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Special Event Support

Do you represent a business in the district that wants to plan a special event? If so, we provide support to merchants on obtaining permits, notifying neighbors and getting the word out.

Here are some resources that are helpful for producing a special event. 

What is a special event? Read about what constitutes a special event in the City of Oakland and apply for the City's special event permit online.

Special Event Permit Info

What if I plan on having temporary food vendors or food trucks pop up at my event? You or your vendor will need to complete a Temporary Food Facility (TFF) application for each food booth or truck that is present at your event. If you plan on having more than one booth, you will also need to complete a sponsor TFF application. Mobile food trucks will also need to obtain a City of Oakland Mobile Vending Permit.

acdeh temporary event permit info

city of oakland mobile vending permit

What if my food vendors cook with open flames (sterno, propane, etc)? What if I am using a tent structure larger than 400 sq ft at my event? This will trigger the need for a Fire Prevention permit and inspection. The cost of the inspection and the permit can be costly (usually around $800 with a non-profit sponsor). To avoid the need for a Fire Permit, we recommend booking food trucks that are permitted to operate in the City of Oakland for your temporary food facilities or booking pop ups that don't use open flames. This application contains helpful information about permit fees:

special event Fire department info

What If I plan on having alcohol at our special event? You will need to obtain an ABC license for the day. Most events will require the sponsoring of a non-profit entity to get a daily use license. If your event is not benefitting a non-profit but you already have an alcohol permit, you can also get event authorization from the ABC to extend your preexisting alcohol boundaries for a special event. Any licensee with the following permits types can apply for an extension: Type 01, 23, 41, 42, 47, 48, 57, 78, 87, 88

Daily Use License Info

Event Authorization License info

In need of a non-profit sponsor, assistance with permits, notifying neighbors, advertising, or special event consultation? Get in touch.